Tuesday, August 17, 2010

In case you're wondering...I didn't quit my blog! I didn't even mean to take this long of a break. We've been having computer issues with our wonderful Mac and are currently a one computer household. That may seem adequate for a couple, but with Jason taking two classes right now my computer time is limited. Not complaining though! He's so close to being done and anything he needs to accomplish it is a done deal.

Soo here's some of the things I've meant to write about:

  • Went to my first Cubs game IN Wrigley Field. Fabulous. :) Pictures to follow...when the Mac is back in working order. Lord knows I'm not posting pictures that haven't had a tan edited into them.

  • Work has been...interesting. I have been truely blessed with an incredible job, and one of the things that I love most about being a nanny is the unpredictability of each and every day. It's exciting to come into work and know that today will not be like yesterday. I've only been in this position for a few months but we're family. They have gone through several major life changes since I've arrived and it has made us so close. I honestly never thought I'd be so glad for all the psychology classes I took.

  • This summer I have been learning what it means to truly love someone. It has been daunting to say the least. It's so easy to love the pretty, likeable and put together part of people but it's not enough. When you say you love someone, it has to be all of them; love doesn't get to pick and choose. This paragraph could really be a full-on post, but I'm running out of time so this is a brief summary. More later.

There's so much more I would like to write but nap time is almost over so I need to be brief. Hopefully the Mac will be up and running soon so my blog can be little more active!

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