Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lets me say right off the bat that I really, really like Thanksgiving. Something about me that you should know is I love to celebrate things. Birthdays, promotions, a really good name it! Life is too short to not celebrate every chance you get. Holidays are great because it's this mandatory day that everything else stops, family and friends get together and eat and enjoy each others company.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it seems to bring out the good in people. Everyone stops thinking about themselves and puts their focus on who and what they are thankful for in their lives. It's sad that for a lot of people Thanksgiving is the one day a year that they do this, but for me it's the one day where you can go all out in how you feel.

This year we spent it with Jason's family eating way too much food and probably watching way too much football. But it was a great day! Thanks to technology we also got to spend a little bit of it with my family and the party and their house via skype. It was so special because Jason and I were able to tell each of them exactly why we were thankful for them. I kind of put Jason on the spot with my idea to play that "game" but as always he rolled with my punches and I know he blessed them. By the way, have I mentioned who was on the very top of my thankful list? :) I have so many blessings in my life but my sweet husband is the very picture of love. We have grown so much in the past almost 15 months of marriage and it constantly blows my mind how God gave me the perfect man for me to marry! I'm not saying he's perfect in that he does everything right (although he is a dang good husband) but he is my perfect match.

I could go on and on about what I'm thankful for this year but I don't want to bore my readers, so I'll just mention what major thing and that is friends. I've moved around the past few years and never really felt grounded or at home in a place. I had a hard time making connections and growing friendships. Since we moved to Milwaukee, we got plugged in at a church and have just been overwhelmed with their friendliness and how welcoming they are. We are involved with a small group that has just been so amazing to us. We not only have friends now, but we have brother and sisters in Christ that encourage and challenge us. I feel so at home here now and that is something I am incredibly grateful for. God is so good to us.

Well now that Thanksgiving is over we can set our sights on the next holiday, which also happens to be my favorite: Christmas!!! And look who is already in the Christmas spirit:

Bailey and I!

Please ignore the lack of make-up and the wild hair :)

Well, from the looks of these pictures it seems like I have the Christmas spirit and she has the Christmas outfit! Well, we'll work on it! Looking forward to putting up our Christmas tree, buying presents, sending out Christmas cards and CELEBRATING the birth of our Savior this month!!

1 comment:

  1. We are thankful for you, and even that crazy dog you have! It was so fun to Skype with you, what a joy to see your faces over the miles.
    You have joy because you are thankful, that is the way it works!
    Love you
